What I'm Reading and Watching Right NOW!


The Divine Comedy! I think it's so good so far, though I've havent really gotton very far. I've been reading it outloud to my cats and that has actually helped my comprehension of it. I probably wont do too much out-loud reading because I feel it can be embarrasing, even if I'm alone in my apartment lol. Still, maybe sometimes teachers are right.


I just finished watching Inside Job and Bones and All. They're not really on the same level but here are my thoughts;

Inside job: I really enjoyed this for its mindlessness. Obviously there is a lot you can pay attentioonh to but you dont have to, and I appreciate it. Some great laughs, especially Glenn Dolphman he is so funny.

Bones and All: Definitely an interesting watch. I actually watched it twice once with some friends and once with just my partner. I think it is absoultly beautiful. Obviously. But I think there are some plot holes and the ending could have been better. Keeping it spoiler free, all I really need to change is the music. Get that dumb song out of there and replace it with silence. The whole ending would be so much more impactful that way.

Contact: judasjoh505@gmail.com