My Intrests
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JoJo's Bizzare Adventure

I lovelovelove JJBA! My favorite parts are Part 4 and Part 6. Part 4 (Diamond is Unbreakable) being my absoloute favorite. Maybe you disagree with that, I understand that that part is really love it or hate it. Many people in the fandom find it borning. Especially when compared to the parts surrounding it. I think thats completely fair. It's all personal prefrence. For the same reasons people dislike it I love it. I love that it's slice of life-y. I think thats a fun deveation from what is tipical of the series. I love the little episodes that have no weight on the story. I mean comeon, the MEAT CUBE episode?! Thats S teir shit dude.
Dead Stuff/Taxedermy
I think taxedermy and ornamental peices made of dead animals are cool! That's a morbid way to say it haha. I have an intrest in creating these peices, exspecially after watching the lotion episode of Cabinet of Curiosities by Guillermo Del Toro. That girl absoultly slayed it, up until the end. Anyways I plan on taking a class or two learning about traditional taxedermy. I want to learn to do animals like opossums or raccoons but thats not avalible in the area I live in. So I'll probably end up learning on deer heads or another commonly hunted animal. I do own some peices of bone; an adolecent deer skull, chipmunk skull, wolf teeth, and porcupine quills. I also own a preserved alligator head and a taxedermied pufferfish (which is my favorite!). Most of this was bought from MistyMorels on Etsy I beleive. Though I did forage some! Which I am very proud of.
I enjoy not just making art but analizing it aswell! My favorite artist ever is Francis Bacon and I have even seen some of his art in person. I love to go to museums of all kinds but since I am an artist, art museums hold a special place in my heart. Ive been to many of them, incuding some big names! Some of my favorite movements are the first throws of Modernisum & Surrealisum and things that draw me in are body horror & bold colors.
Criterion Movies and TV
This is a relatively new intrest of mine so I dont have a lot of expirence to back up what I say, but lately I've been really into watching pretty stuff! It started with a film class I took senior year of high school where we watched a couple good films and I realized I like to analize films the same way I do books and art! I especially love horror movies and am constantly serching for a movie that genuinely scares me! I want nightmares. Here are some of my favorites!
I dont have a lot of intelegent things to say about music but I can say what I listen to. I have been pretty consistantly listening to metal (nu metal, metalcore) for a couple years, after hopping around genres for a while. My favorite artists in no particular order:
I also listen to the radio a lot, since my area has a decent rock station that isnt too obssesed with "Dad Rock".